How Video Inspections can Pinpoint Pipe Issues


When something goes wrong with a pipe, the damage can range from something minor to a major disaster. You can get a pipe that’s leaking and dripping slowly, or you can come back to the office in the morning to flooded floors and gushing water. If you own or work in a multi-story building, you… Continue reading How Video Inspections can Pinpoint Pipe Issues

Annual Pipe Inspections for Vertical Pipe Systems


Vertical pipe systems are usually more complex than in a single-story building. The systems have to service more people and have the strength to work vertically. More tenants rely on vertical systems to provide reliable water and sewer services. As a result, any issues have significant consequences. When something goes wrong in a high-rise or… Continue reading Annual Pipe Inspections for Vertical Pipe Systems

Manhole Maintenance in Congested Areas


Servicing manholes and adjacent pipe systems is a challenge in congested areas. Urban areas with a lot of cars or tight spaces with high rises all around can become a mess quickly if traffic patterns are disrupted. Lengthy maintenance and repairs can hurt movement in the area and drive business away. Additionally, it makes it… Continue reading Manhole Maintenance in Congested Areas

Pipe Bursting for Apartment Buildings


Have you thought about pipe bursting for your apartment building? A lot of people don’t even realize that it’s an option for repairing vertical pipes. However, pipe bursting is one of the most efficient ways to take care of pipe-related problems. Though people often refer to pipe bursting as a type of pipe repair, it’s… Continue reading Pipe Bursting for Apartment Buildings

What Problems Can CIPP Fix?


Cured in place piping, or CIPP, is one of the most beneficial pipe repair options for multi-story buildings. Apartment buildings, hospitals, commercial centers, and other tall buildings often have complicated pipe systems. A break or leak can cause significant property damage or disruption. Since multi-story buildings typically rely on customers or tenants for a profit,… Continue reading What Problems Can CIPP Fix?

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CIPP vs. Pipe Bursting: Which One Should You Choose?


No dig-trenchless pipe repair has come a long way in recent years. Traditionally, pipe repair meant long-term disruption to homes and businesses and involved large excavations. Multi-story tenants had to deal with more inconveniences from water and sewer outages. The advent of trenchless pipe repair has meant that buildings can get back on their feet… Continue reading CIPP vs. Pipe Bursting: Which One Should You Choose?

Can CIPP Prevent Pipe Problems?


Unfortunately, pipes don’t last forever. Technological advances over the last decades have improved the lifespan of commercial, industrial and residential pipes, but eventually decay must be dealt with. In addition to decaying over time, pipe damage can be caused by a number of factors like tree root growth, cross-boring, and human error. Maintaining residential and… Continue reading Can CIPP Prevent Pipe Problems?

How CIPP Can Keep Your Building’s Pipes Running


Any commercial property owner lives in fear of underground pipe problems. They’ve seen or heard stories about months-long shutdowns while crews search for damaged or leaking pipes. Huge sections of concrete are torn up to pull out debris and damage in order to install replacement pipe sections. All that disruption means missed revenue and angry… Continue reading How CIPP Can Keep Your Building’s Pipes Running

What Makes Vertical Pipes Different?


When it comes to your property, you always want to make sure that everything is up to date. Whether it’s a residential or commercial property, the last thing that you want is for an injury to occur because you didn’t provide proper maintenance on the property. Often times, as the years pass, we should make… Continue reading What Makes Vertical Pipes Different?

Apartment Pipe Repair: Fix Vertical Pipes Without Disturbing Your Tenants


If you own an apartment building, you have likely run into issues with your pipes at some point. If you haven’t, you certainly will in the future. Complex owners around the country dread apartment pipe repair because it used to mean time-consuming and costly repairs that might disturb your tenants. But advancements in technology have… Continue reading Apartment Pipe Repair: Fix Vertical Pipes Without Disturbing Your Tenants

Why Video Pipe Inspections Are Important to Your Pipes


Until recently, the only way to diagnose and repair a pipe problem was to dig a trench. Pipe repair specialists would hollow out a trench to reach the pipes. In the process, they’d make a lot of noise, disrupt work days, and cause a fair amount of property damage. These days, we have better technology… Continue reading Why Video Pipe Inspections Are Important to Your Pipes

What If CIPP Doesn’t Work For Your Pipes?


  A pipe repair is a homeowner’s worst nightmare because it’s not an easy fix and is expensive. When it comes to repairing a pipe, there are two categories of fixes. These two categories are traditional and trenchless. The most common type of trenchless is cured-in-place pipe or CIPP.  This type of trenchless technology has… Continue reading What If CIPP Doesn’t Work For Your Pipes?

What Happens When Your Pipes Burst?


When your pipes burst, it’s not only frustrating, but it can also be dangerous. The winter months tend to bring havoc to pipelines. Once the cold weather rolls in and the temperature drops, pipelines begin to freeze up if they are not properly prepared. When your pipes burst, it’s crucial that you take the appropriate… Continue reading What Happens When Your Pipes Burst?

Be Good to the Planet: How CIPP Is Better For The Environment


Repairing pipelines shouldn’t come at a cost to the environment. Traditional pipeline materials and repair methods have gained a reputation for being harmful to the environment. However, there are other, more environmentally friendly repair and replacement methods available. Here is how CIPP is better for the environment. CIPP Is EPA Certified The EPA, or Environmental… Continue reading Be Good to the Planet: How CIPP Is Better For The Environment

How to Know If Your Pipes Need to Be Repaired or Replaced


What should you do when your vertical pipes start having issues? Unfortunately, pipes don’t last forever. They eventually require a little TLC in the form of either a full-on replacement or just a simple repair. While the decision between replacing and repairing your vertical pipes doesn’t seem important, it can make a big difference. Here… Continue reading How to Know If Your Pipes Need to Be Repaired or Replaced

How Can Vertical Pipes Benefit from CIPP Repair?


Vertical pipes are one of the hardest types of pipelines to access and repair. This is why CIPP has become such a popular choice when it comes to repairing vertical pipes. CIPP offers a way to rehabilitate pipes rather than replace them. This trenchless repair method can bring a lot of benefits to vertical pipes… Continue reading How Can Vertical Pipes Benefit from CIPP Repair?